"I want you to See the Motion in my sculptures,
Feel the Emotion."
Manta Ray
This magnificent ocean creature soars through water in groups called squadrons of up to fifty rays. With an average adult wingspan of 6 metres the ocean surface becomes dark with their passing, as was my first experience with Manta Rays in Sodwana Bay, South Africa when I was thirteen years old. This Manta is turning powerfully above the seabed, displayed as an artpiece in the open air this sculpture brings forth the rays oceanic majesty into our own mind and home.
Bronze Cast
45x45x45 cm
Edition of 6

Hippo and Mokoro Boy

Hippo and Mokoro Boy
The Hippo gives stability while the boy shows trust and ability, this sculpture is an amalgamation of all that is in an African riverside community.
For African people living alongside freshwater the balance of life weighs heavily on human interaction with the wild animals of the water. Great is the ability required in navigating ones mokoro between the reeds, crocodiles and hippos in travel and in fishing. Great is the power of the hippopotamus living in their cool kingdom. Great is the strength of the bond of all involved in this web of life.
Bronze Cast
70x45x25 cm
Edition of 6

Fish and Fisherman
Bronze Cast
60x60x30 cm
Edition of 7

Elephant and Boy

Elephant and Boy
I want to show a love between people and mother nature. The elephant emphasizes
natures motherly love while the boy shows an unblemished and innocent giving of himself.
Bronze Cast
40x30x20 cm
Edition of 10

Jock of the Bushveld
The Jock of the Bushveldt is a life size Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross.
"It's always a great privilege to make life size sculptures. The pre-work of studies, drawings, the armature and so on are that much more important in bigger works and really come alive while I'm finally packing the clay on. Jock's face is made to look inquisitive yet bold, his stance embodies the heroic stories written about him by Percy Fitzpatrick."
Bronze Cast
40x20x15 cm
Edition of 3

Dance Pose
Yoga Pose Series: one of three.
The flowers represent the lifetime of growth achieved through each individual yoga practice and Pose held.
Bronze Cast
Edition of 12

Rhino and Children
The Children and Rhino are perfectly relaxed together, they are at peace with each other's presence. The Children are learning from each other while the Rhino keeps a motherly guard.
A Love as close as a Mother-and-Child's bond is shown between these Children and Mother Nature.
"I loved packing each piece of clay into the rhinos back, she came to life through simple rounded hand mounded shapes of clay. With a little more time and detail I attempted to give her face, and particularly her eyes, a 'wise mother' energy. The two children were fun to make, they've taken on an almost impish appearance totally by accident but I like the way this plays into the magic of this Mother Nature Child bond."
Bronze Cast
Edition of 6

Soccer Boys
Bronze Cast
Edition of 10

Wheel Barrow Man - small
Bronze Cast
Editon of 12

Crocodile and Girls
The interaction between the Girls and the Crocodile is a positive one. This dangerous and scary beast is the path on which the Girls are gayly walking.
"I've never really thought about making a crocodile before, they are such beautiful animals at the same time as being horrendously scary. I'd like this work to be looked at and seen with happy eyes. Of course I can't control viewers natural thoughts, I hope that everyone embraces their own feelings toward this work."
Bronze Cast
Edition of 6

Humpback Whale
On a last shot of film my best friends mother captured the full energy of a humpback whale breaching. In another world a full skeleton of this animal hangs in the Oxford Museum of Natural History. Her captured image, the massive bones hung as a whale swimming and this bronze sculpture are but expressions into our lives of this ancient sea mammal, its mystery, power, beauty and wisdom.
Bronze Cast
Editions of 12

Goliath Heron and Fish
"The Heron is balancing over the water, potentially in the exact moment of beginning its lightening fast attack. The four fish swimming below are seemingly unaware of their hunter directly above them.
I have connected more with this sculpture than any of my works. During the days leading up to starting to sculpt this Heron; making the clay myself, sketching as many Goliath Herons as I could and building the armature structure I could feel a gentle energy building up inside of me. When I began to pack on handfuls of terracotta clay I felt a rush of this energy guiding me and allowing me to bring one of Earths most magnificent birds into being. My hands knew what they were doing and my eyes knew why they were doing this. Through making this sculpture I have glimpsed what some call Satori. I know, through sculpture, it will come again."
Bronze Cast
2m tall, life size
Edition of 3

Coming Together
Love Series: One of Three.
Bronze Cast
40x20x15 cm
Edition of 10

Being in Love
Love Series: Two of Three.
Bronze Cast
40x20x15 cm
Edition of 10

Making Love
Love Series: Three of Three.
Bronze Cast
40x20x15 cm
Edition of 10


These two boys are experiencing gravity's pull in opposite directions. The top figure and balloons are drawn upwards whilst the bottom figures are pulled down.
The bottom figure is doing a handstand while the figure on top is hanging from his foot.
If the hanging boy lets go he will fall upwards, into the sky. Leaving the hand-standing boy to lose balance and fall down.
Picture the sculpture upside down for another point of view.
Bronze Cast
45x15x15 cm
Edition of 10

Giraffe and Girl
Nature and humans are walking “hand in hand”. The giraffe shows patience and guidance, while the girl shows trust and respect.